Sunday, June 1, 2008

Faith Cometh By Hearing

Fifty years ago if you wanted to hear a sermon from a specific preacher in California, you had to drive to California to hear him. Twenty years ago you might have been able to mail order an audio cassette from the speaker (if you knew what to order or who to write)--but the whole process would take several weeks. Now you can click a few buttons and hear a sermon that was preached yesterday in Ireland or Oregon or South Africa. You can type in a keyword and find every sermon on a particular topic. And all for free.

A site we frequent that makes this possible is SermonAudio. There are several others, as well. When we were getting frustrated with the anemic sermons at a previous church, we’d go to SermonAudio and listen to various messages from across the country on whatever topic our family was studying at the time. When we go on road trips now we sometimes download a couple good studies to our iPod to help pass the time.

This past month Hallmark Baptist Church—an independent, postmillennial church in South Carolina (where several of our friends and relatives serve)--started adding some of their sermons to SermonAudio. You can download them here.

These are some other good studies we’ve enjoyed that relate to some of the topics of this blog:

Baptists in Pre-Reformation Times--Royce Smith
Why I'm Not a Protestant (especially parts 1 and 7)--Jeff Arthur
B. H. Carroll's Life--Michael Phillips
The New Testament Church--Marty Tate
The Entertainment Syndrome and the Modern Church--Stephen Hamilton
The Biblical Case For Postmillennialism--John Otis
Prophecy: Invitation to Hope--Ken Gentry
Family-Integrated Churches--Kevin Swanson/Doug Phillips
Homeschooling: A Burgeoning Movement—Kevin Swanson

And here's an interesting article from last week about the hunger for online sermons.

So if you’re finding Sean Hannity a little repetitive on the drive home from work, take advantage of this free resource and download whatever topics interest you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

post-melenialism and pearl jam...sitting comfortably next to each other in the same that is progress!!!