Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Congratulations to the Tea Party

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

Patrick Henry


Brad Watson, Miami said...

I, the Christ, have returned. In my eternal soul's last incarnation, I was Albert Einstein. 2,000 years ago, I was Y'shua bar Yosef. The proof of these claims are the "7 seals" (Revelation 5:1) revealed as 'beyond Einstein theories'; see . I have exposed great secrets kept since the founding of the Earth.

Other recently fulfilled Bible prophesies are...

Iraq is the "destruction of Babylon" (Rev Ch 14, 16-18).
Syria is "Armageddon" (Rev 16:16).
Ronald(6 Letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist.
George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
Pope Benedict XVI was the "false prophet".
United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
Donald Trump = 666 when A=49, B=50, C=51...Z=74; he's the current Antichrist.

GOD: the 'all-inclusive system as a whole', this 'Universe as omniscient quantum computer'.

God-incarnate (ET in the Guardin' of Eden, Jesus son of Joseph, 2nd Coming of the Christ): the reincarnating original & number 1 programer, the Creator of all 'true Earth-like plan-its'.

Muhammad Ejaz said...


Creative cooking with Caple

Bring a frying pan to a high temperature [No. 6 on Caple Induction].