Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Good Times, Bad Times II

So let’s recap: since Obama was elected the stock market has fallen over 30%. Drudge had a headline up over the weekend announcing that February—our first full month of “hope and change”--was the worst month for the stock market since 1933!

I alluded to the Weimar Republic in my last post. A few days later the Wall St. Journal ran a piece headlined “We’re heading toward a global Weimar.” The federal budget deficit is projected to rise to $1.75 trillion this year; our national debt is $10.8 trillion. And what does our president do? He proposes we spend trillions more on wasteful programs and print more paper dollars that aren’t backed by any real assets.

Even my ten-year-old son knows you don’t get out of debt by increasing your discretionary spending. But that logic seems to be lost on the Ivy League socialists we keep electing. Unfortunately, they are going to make things much worse—at least for while.

Here’s a funny infomercial that applies equally to our new leaders and the average American family.

via videosift.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where do you find these videos? Is there a site where one can find random pictures and videos for any subject they type in? This is prolly my most favorite video!!