Thursday, July 31, 2008

True or False?

Okay, I know this is an urban legend, but it's still a fun party trick.

In 1611 the King James Bible was completed. William Shakespeare was a favorite of King James and (the legend goes) was brought in to put the finishing poetic touches on some of the translated passages. During the process, Shakespeare wanted to leave his "signature" somewhere in the text.

So if you open your Bible to the very middle (Psalms) and find the 46th chapter and count 46 words down, you will come to the word "shake." If you count 46 words up from the bottom of the chapter you will find the word "spear."

And why 46? Because William Shakespeare was 46 years old at the time the project was completed.

So next time you inadvertently stumble into a Bible translation debate, you can relay this senseless story to confuse everyone before you make your escape.

(Hey, I should write a novel called "The Shakespeare Code").


Anonymous said...

Hey, what do you know? It even works with a Scofield!!

A Dominion Family said...

You own a Scofield?

We only use the "New Century Extreme Teen Study Bible" in our house...with metallic casing. We're purists that way.

Anonymous said...

personally the "hip hop bible" available at Barnes and Noble is my favorite...yo....
peace out-

A Dominion Family said...

Is there really a hip-hop Bible? Wouldn't surprise me.

Anonymous said..., to ,is in a metal case with very...uhmmm..."hip" is pretty hysterical to read-