The transformation is complete. The old red dining room is now the new blue schoolroom. (And it didn't even cost the taxpayers one cent).
The expected class size this fall is three students, with a fourth showing interest.
The expected class size this fall is three students, with a fourth showing interest.
I will send my youngest for lessons on becoming a "Williamsburger" (no pickles please)
We review all applications thoroughly. If your youngest is amenable to arranged marriage she will get special consideration :)
OK, according to schoolroom code 562948673947CAOZ your schoolroom does not have the following items in it to qualify for school room status.
*Paper on the floor
*Books scattered across the table.
*At least one box of crayons dumped out.
*There must be some marking, by said crayons, on the walls.
*Minimum of two half-drunk cups of coffee sitting on a wood surface where they shouldn't be.
*Some article of children's clothing, usually socks.
*One project, subject of your choice, sitting half done.
Because of your recent renovations we will allow you several weeks to get your school room up to code.
Thank you.
Actually this was the only day of the year when we could take a photo for public consumption.
The dream is already gone. You can't get from one side of the room to the other now without a hovercraft.
Alas and alack.
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